Hello, I’m lovely! Today I want to talk to you about how I achieved the goals I set for myself over the past three years. When I started, my bank account had zero money, I was going through a tough time mentally and in my relationships. But in the last three years, I’ve manifested my dream career, money in my bank account, online followers, my current apartment, a partner, the ability to meet my needs, friendships, relationships with family, and many other small things.
I’m write this article because there are a lot of misconceptions and confusion about manifestation. People are constantly trying to find methods that work, but in my journey, I’ve learned that there are some fundamental keys to manifestation that most people completely overlook or try to find an easier option for. So today, we’re going to dive deep into all of these things so you can understand once and for all what manifestation is and how it works.
Table of Contents
What is manifesting?
Manifesting is cultivating the experience of what it is that you want to feel — and then living and believing in that experience so that you can allow it to come into form.
You can practice manifesting to attract whatever you want, whether that’s a successful business, better health, a relationship or even a material object.
Sometimes we manifest things far beyond our wildest dreams. So when manifesting, it’s important to stay open to possibilities that are beyond what you think you need. When you align with the loving energy of the Universe, there are no limits to what you can attract.
How to manifest: the do’s and don’ts
Let’s break it down more. Keep reading to discover big do’s and don’ts of manifesting. Follow them and you will truly co-create with the Universe!
Do decide what you want to manifest
What is it that you want? Become unapologetic about what you want. Own it. Believe it. Trust that it can be yours. Write it down right now. I want to be seen in the world in this way. I want to attract my romantic partner. I want to attract more abundance into my life.
The day before I got the call asking me to be on SuperSoul Sunday, I was sitting at my desk and this energy just moved through me, and I picked up a paper and a pen and I wrote, I am ready to be interviewed by Oprah.
No joke, literally the next day I received a phone call from her company saying, “We’d like to have you interviewed by Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday.” That’s how fast the Universe works! When you’re in alignment with what you want and you feel it, then you begin to effortlessly manifest it into your life. The Universe supports you.
Some fundamental keys to manifestation?
First Fundamental: Clarity
Most people, when they start their manifestation journey, are not clear about what they really want. They have a very vague idea in their minds. So, clarity is very important. It’s like a GPS in your life journey. If you have a clear goal and a clear reason behind it, it will help you stay on your path.
Second Fundamental: Power
Manifestation is about energy. We need to align our energy to receive our desires. Don’t waste your energy on trivial things; instead, focus on what truly matters.
Third Fundamental: Faith
Faith is the bridge between desire and reality. It’s about trusting the process, even when immediate results are not visible. Faith helps you see temporary failures as learning opportunities.
Fourth Fundamental: Discipline
Discipline transforms your desires into actions. It’s a set of daily tasks that help you reach your destination. It ensures that you don’t give up halfway.
Fifth Fundamental: Action
You need to consistently take action to achieve your goals. This ensures that your plans and desires are turning into reality.
Sixth Fundamental: Embodiment
It’s about consistently aligning your actions and behaviors with your intentions. It transforms mental and emotional work into daily actions.
Seventh Fundamental: Detachment
You should not be attached to your desires. This doesn’t mean you don’t want them, but that you can be happy without them as well.
Eighth Fundamental: Contentment
Learn to be happy and satisfied with your current life. This keeps your energy positive and makes the manifestation process easier.
By understanding and applying these eight fundamentals, I faced opportunities, learned new skills, changed my perspective, and continuously challenged myself to grow. Whether you’re just starting your journey, stuck in the middle, or haven’t even begun yet, these fundamentals will help guide you in the right direction.
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